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Terms and Conditions
- Your site(s) does not contain any message boxes
- Your site(s) does not contain any popup or pop-under windows that interfere with our system
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- Your account may be purged or deleted if no credits are maintained after 7 days.
- Your account will be deleted if not used for 90 days
- Your account will be deleted if we can not send you emails
- Your account will be disabled if it causes our system any problems.
- Your account will be disabled if it does not completely load or display within our displaying time of your page.
- You are not allowed to have more than one (1) account unless approved by admin for promoting more than 10 sites.
- An upgraded account is required to promote multiple sites. All upgrades are for 1 year 365 days.

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Also see the FAQ page for possible resolutions to common problems.

If you are using any sort of spam blocker or filters, please make sure that our email address has permission to send you email or you will not be able to activate your account! In most cases, adding to your contact list will keep it from being blocked.

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